
AR500 Acero 4×8 Hoja en Venta

  • Superficie: recubrimiento de zinc
  • Material: DX51d, SGCC
  • Estándar:ES, ÉL
  • Técnica:Laminado en frío
  • Cantidad mínima de pedido:3-5 MONTE
  • Certificación:ISO 9001:2008,SGS,VB,

Información del Producto

AR500, short for Abrasion Resistant 500 Brinell, is a quenched and tempered high-carbon alloy steel plate. It typically contains a carbon content between 0.18% a 0.26%, along with elements such as chromium, manganese, and silicon that contribute to its wear resistance properties. The 4×8 sheets have a nominal hardness of around 500 Brinell Hardness Number (BHN), which means they can withstand significant wear from heavy impacts, scraping, and piercing without deformation or failure.

Manufacturing Process

The production of AR500 steel involves heating raw steel to a temperature where it becomes malleable enough to be rolled and formed into sheets. After this, the steel undergoes quenching—a rapid cooling process that locks in a hard and strong crystalline structure. Subsequently, tempering is performed to relieve internal stresses while maintaining the desired hardness level. These meticulous processes result in 4×8-foot sheets that exhibit uniformity across their surface, providing consistent performance throughout the entire sheet.


1.Longevity:The high-hardness property ensures that AR500 steel 4×8 sheets last significantly longer than softer steels, leading to cost savings over time.

2.Ease of Fabrication:Despite its extreme hardness, AR500 can still be cut, drilled, and welded using specialized techniques and tools, allowing for custom shapes and designs.

3.Economic Efficiency: The standardized 4×8-foot sheet size enables efficient use of material with minimal waste during fabrication and installation.

4.Reliability Under Stress: Its resistance to deformation under intense pressure and force provides peace of mind in critical applications where safety and performance are paramount.

Introducing AR500 Steel 4×8 Hoja en Venta

Looking for durability and strength in your construction or industrial projects? Look no further than AR500 steel. Our AR500 Steel 4×8 Sheet offers unparalleled toughness and abrasion resistance, making it an ideal choice for a variety of applications. Whether you’re fabricating targets for shooting ranges, armor plating for vehicles, or heavy-duty machinery components, AR500 steel delivers exceptional performance.

Upgrade your projects with AR500 Steel 4×8 Sheets today and experience the difference in performance and reliability. Contact us now to inquire about availability and pricing.

Q1: ¿Qué tipos de productos de acero ofrece Topregal??
A1: Topregal se especializa en una variedad de productos de acero, incluidos tubos de acero negros., tubos de acero galvanizado, bobinas de acero, hojas de acero, y perfiles de acero.
Q2: ¿Topregal tiene experiencia en la exportación de productos siderúrgicos??
A2: Sí, Topregal ha terminado 15 años de experiencia exportadora en el sector siderúrgico, atender a un mercado global.
Q3: ¿A qué regiones exporta Topregal??
A3: Topregal exporta productos de acero a numerosos países, incluida Corea del Sur., Birmania, las Filipinas, India, Bangladesh, Israel, Irak, la república democrática del congo, Ghana, Liberia, Argelia, los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Australia, Ecuador, y más.
Q4: ¿Topregal tiene una empresa hermana??
A4: Sí, Real Team Industrial Limited es la empresa hermana de Topregal, y juntos brindan servicios integrales a sus clientes..
Q5: ¿Cómo garantiza Topregal la satisfacción del cliente??
A5: Topregal garantiza la satisfacción del cliente a través de equipos de ventas profesionales, comprar equipos, equipos de control de calidad, y equipos de servicio postventa, todos dedicados a brindar una experiencia de compra de pedidos satisfactoria.

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