
6 Horario en pulgadas 40 Precio de la tubería de acero galvanizado

  • Estándar:ES, ÉL
  • Material:Q195
  • Superficie:recubrimiento de zinc
  • Cantidad mínima de pedido:5 MONTE
  • Técnica:Laminado en frío con galvanizado

Información del Producto

The term “6 pulgada” denotes the nominal size of the pipe, indicating the diameter of the pipe’s interior. Mientras tanto, “Schedule 40refers to the thickness of the pipe’s walls, with Schedule 40 being a standard measurement indicating a specific wall thickness. Galvanized steel pipe undergoes a process where it is coated with a layer of zinc, enhancing its corrosion resistance and extending its lifespan, particularly in harsh environments.

Versatile Applications

1. Plumbing: These pipes are commonly used in residential, comercial, and industrial plumbing systems for water distribution, sewage conveyance, and drainage.

2. Construcción: In structural applications, such as framework, support columns, and bracing, these pipes provide strength and stability. They are also employed in the construction of handrails, fencing, and scaffolding.

3. Agriculture: Galvanized steel pipes are utilized in agricultural settings for irrigation systems, livestock housing, and fencing, where resistance to corrosion is essential for prolonged outdoor use.

4. Industrial Processes: From conveying chemicals and gases to supporting mechanical systems, these pipes play a vital role in diverse industrial processes, including manufacturing, petrochemicals, and utilities.


1. Resistencia a la corrosión: The zinc coating protects the steel from rust and corrosion, ensuring longevity and minimal maintenance requirements.

2. High Strength: Cronograma 40 pipes are designed to withstand high pressure and heavy loads, making them reliable for demanding applications.

3. Rentabilidad: Despite their superior performance, galvanized steel pipes are competitively priced, offering a cost-effective solution compared to alternatives like stainless steel.

4. Fácil instalación: With standardized dimensions and compatibility with various fittings, these pipes are relatively easy to install, saving time and labor costs.

5. Sostenibilidad del medio ambiente: Galvanized steel is recyclable, contributing to sustainability efforts and reducing the environmental impact of construction projects.

Nuestra fábrica

Topregal (Tianjín) Industrial Co Ltd, estratégicamente ubicado en Tianjin, Porcelana, se erige como un modelo de calidad y confiabilidad en la industria del acero. Los productos de acero de Topregal han llegado a todo el mundo, llegando a los mercados de Corea del Sur, Birmania, las Filipinas, India, Bangladesh, Israel, Irak, la república democrática del congo, Ghana, Liberia, Argelia, Los Emiratos Arabes Unidos, Australia, Ecuador, y muchas otras naciones. Esta amplia red de exportación es un testimonio del compromiso de la empresa con la calidad y su capacidad para satisfacer los variados requisitos de una clientela internacional..

Por qué elegirnos

For stakeholders involved in procurement, construcción, or maintenance projects, transparency in pricing and the ability to compare quotes from different suppliers are essential. By conducting thorough research, obtaining multiple quotations, and evaluating the total cost of ownership, buyers can make informed decisions that align with their budgetary constraints and project requirements. 6 inch Schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe price is a multifaceted aspect that reflects a combination of market forces, production costs, quality standards, and logistical considerations. By delving into the factors that influence pricing and staying informed about market trends, stakeholders can navigate the cost landscape effectively, optimize their procurement strategies, and ensure the seamless integration of galvanized steel pipes in their projects.

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