
Bobina de acero galvanizado por inmersión en caliente

  • Estándar:ES, ÉL
  • Técnica:Galvanizado
  • Paquete:en bobinas

Detalles de producto

Hot dipped galvanized steel coils are produced through a process known as galvanization, where steel coils are immersed in a bath of molten zinc. This immersion results in a metallurgical bond between the zinc coating and the steel substrate, creating a protective layer that shields the underlying steel from corrosion and rust. The termhot dippedrefers to the method of coating, where the steel is submerged in the molten zinc at high temperatures.

Specifications and Characteristics

Hot dipped galvanized steel coils come in various grades, thicknesses, and widths to suit different applications and requirements. These coils typically exhibit superior corrosion resistance compared to other types of coatings, making them ideal for outdoor and high-moisture environments. The zinc coating thickness can vary depending on the application, with heavier coatings providing increased protection against corrosion.


  • Superior Corrosion Resistance: The zinc coating provides excellent protection against corrosion, extending the lifespan of steel components.
  • Durable and Long-Lasting: Hot dipped galvanized steel coils are renowned for their durability and ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions.
  • Versatilidad: These coils can be tailored to suit a wide range of applications across various industries, thanks to their customizable specifications.
  • Cost-Effective: While initial costs may be slightly higher than uncoated steel, the long-term savings derived from reduced maintenance and replacement make hot dipped galvanized steel coils a cost-effective choice.


  1. Construction and Building Materials: Hot dipped galvanized steel coils are widely used in the construction industry for roofing, siding, and structural components.
  2. Industria automotriz: In the automotive sector, galvanized steel coils find application in the manufacturing of vehicle bodies, chassis components, and structural reinforcements.
  3. Appliances and Household Goods: Galvanized steel coils are utilized in the production of appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines, and ovens, where corrosion resistance is essential for prolonged product lifespan.
  4. Industrial Machinery and Equipment: Hot dipped galvanized steel coils are integral to the fabrication of industrial machinery, equipment, and infrastructure.

Preguntas frecuentes (Preguntas frecuentes)

Q1: ¿Qué tipos de productos de acero ofrece Topregal??
A1: Topregal se especializa en una variedad de productos de acero, incluidos tubos de acero negros., tubos de acero galvanizado, bobinas de acero, hojas de acero, y perfiles de acero.
Q2: ¿Topregal tiene experiencia en la exportación de productos siderúrgicos??
A2: Sí, Topregal ha terminado 15 años de experiencia exportadora en el sector siderúrgico, atender a un mercado global.
Q3: ¿A qué regiones exporta Topregal??
A3: Topregal exporta productos de acero a numerosos países, incluida Corea del Sur., Birmania, las Filipinas, India, Bangladesh, Israel, Irak, la república democrática del congo, Ghana, Liberia, Argelia, los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Australia, Ecuador, y más.
Q4: ¿Topregal tiene una empresa hermana??
A4: Sí, Real Team Industrial Limited es la empresa hermana de Topregal, y juntos brindan servicios integrales a sus clientes..
Q5: ¿Cómo garantiza Topregal la satisfacción del cliente??
A5: Topregal garantiza la satisfacción del cliente a través de equipos de ventas profesionales, comprar equipos, equipos de control de calidad, y equipos de servicio postventa, todos dedicados a brindar una experiencia de compra de pedidos satisfactoria.

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